12 Bernedoodle breeders in Cedar Rapids, Iowa - Search for puppy breeders!

12 Bernedoodle puppy breeders in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

You're in luck! Cedar Rapids, Iowa has 12 Bernedoodle puppy breeders. We've done the heavy-lifting and consolidated this list for you. If you're interested in other breeds or locations, checkout all other breeders here. We hope this list simplifies your search instead of having to constantly google or ask friends!

Finding the right breeder

There are some tricks and tips to weed out backyard breeders or puppy mills. Checkout our guide here!

In alphabetical order

3. Bluff Country Bernedoodles
Located in Iowa

  2793 Walnut Creek Rd, Decorah, IA 52101, USA


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4. Field of Dreamz Doodles
Located in Iowa

  Dyersville, IA, USA


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5. Grayson Creek Mini Doodles
Located in Iowa

  Ankeny, IA, USA


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8. Spruce Lane Doodles
Located in Iowa

  1227 IA-9, Decorah, IA 52101, USA


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9. Willowbranch Canine Companions
Located in Iowa

  New London, IA 52645, USA


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10. Country Lane Bernedoodles
Located in Iowa

  1055 Pilot Grove Rd, Salem, IA 52649, USA


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11. Cason's Doodles
Located in Iowa

  Bloomfield, IA 52537, USA


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12. Berner Babies
Located in Iowa

  Radcliffe, IA


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We hope this list helps you! Good luck with your puppy search!

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